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المطارات تتسابق للفوز بقلوب وعقول الركاب من خلال التحول القائم على التكنولوجيا معرض المطارات 2025 يعكس وتيرة التقدم التكنولوجي في المطارات أكثر من 160 عارضًا في أكبر منصة أعمال لصناعة المطارات حجم سوق تقنيات المطارات سيصل إلى 13.99 مليار دولار أمريكي في عام 2025 5 فبراير 2025، دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة: عندما كتب مركز (أي بي ام) للأعمال الحكومية في دراسة له في مارس من العام 2000 أن "الاستراتيجيات والأفكار والتقنيات الجديدة كانت ضرورية للمطارات" من أجل توسيع الاقتصاد، لم يكن هناك الكثير من المتابعين حتى في أكبر دول العالم، التي كانت قد تعاملت في العام السابق مع أكثر من [...]
Airports racing to win the hearts and minds of passengers through technology-led transformation Airport Show 2025 to reflect the pace of technological progress at airports 160+ exhibitors for the largest airport industry B2B platform Airport technologies market size will be worth US$13.99 billion in 2025 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 5, 2025: When the US-based IBM Center for the Business of Government wrote in a study in March 2000 that “new strategies, new ideas, and new technologies were necessary for airports” for broadening economy, there were few takers even in the world’s biggest countries which a year earlier had handled [...]
Modern technologies and innovative initiatives for 50 million People of Determination in the Middle East Dubai to host the 7th edition of AccessAbilities Expo (AAE) in October Three-day exhibition to feature 270 exhibitors, brands, and rehabilitation centers Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed: “We are committed to empowering People of Determination and enhancing the UAE's reputation as a global leader in improving their quality of life” WHO projects two billion people with disabilities by 2050 Over two billion people will require at least one assistive product by 2030 Several elderly people may need two or more assistive products by 2030 Dubai, United [...]
يوفر التقنيات الحديثة والمبادرات الخلاقة لخدمة 50 مليون نسمة في الشرق الاوسط دبي تستضيف معرض اكسبو أصحاب الهمم الدولي في دورته السابعة بمشاركة 270 عارض وعلامة تجارية ومركز تأهيلي أحمد بن سعيد: "ملتزمون بتمكين أصحاب الهمم وتعزيز سمعة الإمارات كدولة رائدة في تحسين جودة حياتهم" منظمة الصحة العالمية: "2 مليار نسمة من الأشخاص ذوي الاعاقة في 2050" خبراء دوليون:" أكثر من ملياري شخص بحاجة إلى منتج مساعد واحد على الأقل بحلول 2030، في الوقت الذي يحتاج فيه العديد من كبار السن إلى اثنين أو أكثر" دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة - 20 يناير 2025 يشكل أصحاب الهمم ما بين 10-15% من [...]
مطارات الشرق الأوسط بحاجة إلى 151 مليار دولار لتوسيع قدراتها وتقنياتها بحلول العام 2040 معرض المطارات 2025 سيعرض أحدث التقنيات المتطورة العمل جارٍ حالياً على بناء مطارين دوليين في الهند أكبر 10 شركات طيران في الشرق الأوسط طلبت 795 طائرة للتسليم بحلول العام 2029 مطارات الشرق الأوسط تستثمر المليارات في تقنيات القياسات الحيوية، والذكاء الاصطناعي والأتمتة الهند تستثمر 11 مليار دولار أمريكي في البنية التحتية للمطارات بحلول نهاية العام 2025 إثيوبيا تعمل على إنشاء أكبر مطار في إفريقيا بحلول العام 2030 إفريقيا بحاجة إلى 32 مليار دولار لتوسيع المطارات بحلول العام 2040 واصل العالم تركيز اهتمامه بشكل كبير على منطقة [...]
Middle East airports require US$151 billion for capacity expansion by 2040 Airport Show-2025 to showcase best-in-class technology Work on two international airports currently underway in India 10 largest ME airlines ordered 795 aircraft for delivery by 2029 ME airports heavily investing in biometrics, AI, ML, and automation Airports prioritizing sustainability in operations and practices India to invest US$11 billion in airport infrastructure by 2025-end Ethiopia working to have Africa’s largest airport by 2030 Africa needs US$32 billion for airports expansion by 2040 The world has kept its focus firmly fixed on the Middle East where the airlines, airports, ANSPs, and [...]
Exceptional year for global airport industry in 2024 Global passenger traffic projected to reach 9.5 billion in 2024 H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed: Airports are vital connectors and economic engines for communities and countries, with a strong focus on improving the passenger experience 24th Airport Show to display the best-in-class technologies GALF, Airport Security ME, and ATC Forum co-located conferences Dubai, United Arab Emirates, December 16, 2024: As infrastructure and operations are reshaped, the global airport industry, whose revenues are set to reach US$194.4 billion in 2024, will continue exploring and acquiring the best-in-class technology and automation solutions throughout [...]
Audit, Anti-Fraud and IT Congress in Dubai exhorts integration and collaboration to foster growth Abdulqader Obaid Ali: The Congress has become global event that started in Dubai and reaching the world Dr Moza Suwaidan: Dubai has multiple layers of protection, including an AI policy for data hosting and utilization Congress organized by UAE Internal Auditors Association under the patronage of UAE’s Ministry of Economy in collaboration with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and Information Systems Audit and Control Association. 1000+ audit and anti-fraud professionals, cyber security and IT experts attend Congress UAE IAA signs MoUs with four internal auditors’ [...]
First Audit, Anti-Fraud and IT Congress calls for unified strategy in fraud prevention and IT security Abdulla Al Saleh, Undersecretary of Ministry of Economy: UAE at the forefront of fostering innovation and resilience in the realms of audit, fraud prevention Abdulqader Obaid Ali: Internal auditors should collaborate with other departments to make sure they maximize the resources and minimize the expenses Congress organized by UAE Internal Auditors Association under the patronage of UAE’s Ministry of Economy in collaboration with the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and Information Systems Audit and Control Association. Ian Johnston, CCEO of DFSA: The UAE, including [...]
IATA workshop at AccessAbilities Expo focuses on assistive technology to help people of determination Iman El Asady: By embracing innovative solutions, we pave the way for a future where everyone can explore the skies with dignity and ease Fatma Taher: Hidden Disabilities Program a great success; Sunflower Lanyard is the autism friendly route The IATA Workshop on ‘Innovation in Air Travel Accessibility, focusing on assistive technology to support passengers with disabilities, at the 6thedition of AccessAbilities Expo 2024, discussed and proposed solutions to the challenges faced by passengers with disabilities. Iman El Asady, Regional Manager, External Affairs & Sustainability for [...]
دانز تدخل في شراكة استراتيجية مع مجموعة دي اف اس الألمانية سمو الشيخ أحمد بن سعيد: ستعزز دانز خدماتها بما يعود بالنفع على النظام البيئي للطيران في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة الاتفاقية تنص على توفير كوادر لخدمات الملاحة الجوية لمدة خمس سنوات إبراهيم أهلي: "نحن ملتزمون بترسيخ مكانة دبي كوجهة عالمية رائدة في مجال الطيران" ستوفر شركة دي اف اس لخدمات الطيران كوادر تشغيلية لمطاري دبي الدولي ودبي وورلد سنترال، وأكاديمية الإمارات لتدريب الطيارين وقّعت مؤسسة دبي لخدمات الملاحة الجوية (دانز)، مزود خدمات الملاحة الجوية في دبي والإمارات الشمالية، اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع دي اف اس لخدمات الطيران، وهي شركة [...]
dans enters strategic partnership with DFS Group of Germany HH Sheikh Ahmed: dans will further enhance its services which will benefit UAE aviation ecosystem Agreement provides for supply of air navigation service personnel for five years Ibrahim Ahli: “We are committed to consolidating Dubai's position as leading global aviation hub DFS Aviation will supply functional personnel for Dubai International, Dubai World Central and Emirates Flight Training Academy Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans), the air navigation services provider for Dubai and the Northern Emirates, has signed a strategic partnership agreement with DFS Aviation Services (DAS), a subsidiary of the German air [...]
AccessAbilities Expo 2024 concludes with determination for full inclusivity Expo participants affirm efforts to realise the vision of UAE to be the best country for people of determination 250 international companies and centres from 50 countries showcased advanced technologies Event gets unprecedented overwhelming response; 15,000 visitors from 70 countries Several deals signed for collaboration, joint ventures and product developments The Sixth edition of AccessAbilities Expo 2024, the largest event for People of Determination in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa, successfully concluded at Dubai World Trade Centre on 9 October 2024 with a determination to effectively enhance inclusion and [...]
UAE becoming leader in inclusive practices: 5th Incluzun Summit National Inclusive Practice Awards recognize schools, organisations in fostering inclusion Future looks bright for inclusion in the UAE Ceremony held under the patronage of Abdulla Al Humaidan, Secretary General of the Zayed Higher Organization Siemens Energy, Majid Al Futtaim, Beach Rotana, and the Emirates Literature Foundation sponsor awards Incluzun, a certified social enterprise dedicated to empowering People of Determination across the MENA region, hosted the 5th Incluzun Summit and the prestigious National Inclusive Practice Awards on Day 2 of the 6th AccessAbilities Expo, the largest event for People of Determination [...]
Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed opens sixth edition of AccessAbilities Expo 2024 in Dubai World’s largest specialized event for people of determination attracts 250 exhibitors and rehab centres from 50 countries Dubai, UAE, October 7, 2024: His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports, and CEO of Emirates Airline and Group, affirmed that the UAE has achieved remarkable accomplishments in its legislation, policies, and programs to empower and integrate People of Determination into society, providing them with equal opportunities in the society. His Highness inaugurated the 6th edition of AccessAbilities [...]
du’s participation aims to empower People of Determination and provide the latest technologies to enhance their quality of life, paving the path towards a more inclusive and accessible future for all Dubai, UAE: du, from Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (EITC), today announced its sponsorship of the AccessAbilities Expo 2024, the premier event dedicated to enhancing the lives of People of Determination. The Expo's 6th edition is set to commence on October 7-9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, showcasing over 250 exhibitors and rehabilitation centers from 50 countries around the globe. Adel Al Rais, Head of Corporate Communication at du, [...]
يقام في دبي أكتوبر المقبل لخدمة 50 مليونا من ذوي الإعاقة في المنطقة معرض اكسبو أصحاب الهمم الدولي يستقطب تقنيات متطورة لأول مرة على مستوى الشرق الأوسط احمد بن سعيد:" الامارات ملتزمة بتمكين أصحاب الهمم وتوفير ارقى التقنيات لخدمتهم وتحسين جودة حياتهم" أكثر من 4,000 تقنية مساعدة لتحسين جوة حياة ذوي الإعاقة وكبار السن في تقرير للأمم المتحدة : أكثر الإعاقات الوظيفية شيوعاً في 77 دولة تم إجراء استبيان فيها هي: "الرؤية" (20.9%) تليها الحركة (12.1%)، الإدراك (6.4%)، السمع (4.8%)، الرعاية الذاتية (4.1%) والتواصل (2.4%)، فيما كانت الحاجة إلى استخدام النظارات هي الأعلى بين كافة الدول. دبي، الإمارات [...]
6th AAE in Dubai in October designed for 50 million people with disabilities in the region AccessAbilities Expo (AAE) attracts advanced technologies for the first time in the Middle East 6th AAE in Dubai in October designed for 50 million people with disabilities in the region Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed: The UAE is committed to empowering People of Determination and improving their quality of life 4,000+ assistive technologies to improve the lives of people with disabilities and the elderly The most common functional disabilities in 77 countries surveyed for a UN report were ‘vision’ (20.9 percent), movement (12.1 percent), cognition [...]
Airport Show 2024 concludes with unparalleled success and signing of agreements and MoUs Al Maktoum International Airport project receives attention from the international airport industry dnata signs agreements worth $210 million to develop its services General Mohammed Al Marri praises the response to special counter for children at Dubai International Airport The Dubai Airline Operators Committee increases the number of its members to 52 carriers Oman Airports increases the number of its airports to 10 within 5 years More than 7,000 attendees, 150 exhibitors from 20 countries, 120-plus hosted buyers Several agreements were signed by the participating companies on joint [...]
More women join the civil aviation workforce Mervat Sultan calls upon women to continue the journey together Michelle Lee says women are successful in communicating effectively Women In Aviation Conference confirmed that more women have joined the civil aviation workforce, especially in leadership positions like CEOs, pilots, air traffic controllers, and aircraft engineers, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as the global aviation industry heads toward growth and expansion. Addressing the conference held along the 23rd edition of Airport Show which concluded day before yesterday, Mervat Sultan, President and Founder, Women in Aviation Middle East Chapter, [...]
Ground handling innovations major draw at Airport Show 30 new innovators join the Airport Show for the first time dnata showcases products to foster sustainability Smiths Detection introduces security screening device Experts discuss ground handling innovations for elevated passenger experience Dubai, UAE, May 16, 2024: The 23rd edition of Airport Show was the venue to showcase and introduce new technologies and services in ground handling, cargo movements and airport operations with a view to fostering agility as well as sustainability. More than 30 new innovators joined the Airport Show to introduce their cutting-edge technologies and services for the first time. [...]
We are shaping the very future of air travel and reimagining the airport of tomorrow: Paul Griffiths
We are shaping the very future of air travel and reimagining the airport of tomorrow: Paul Griffiths Expansion of Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC) signifies a monumental leap for Dubai's aviation landscape We expect to maintain the lead as the largest airport for traffic for the next 100 years Muscat airport is opening a second runway in two days Saudi Arabia airports are surpassing pre-pandemic figures “The expansion of Al Maktoum International Airport (DWC) signifies a monumental leap for Dubai's aviation landscape, and Dubai is expected to maintain the largest airport for international traffic record for the next 100 years, [...]
Airport Show opens in Dubai amidst brightest growth outlook for aviation industry HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed opens MENASA’s largest airport event “Every major airport is aiming to go big, in terms of growth targets, investments and innovations”: Sheikh Ahmed “We are shaping the very future of air travel and reimagining the airport of tomorrow”: Paul Griffiths Dubai to spend $37.7 billion on expansion of its two airports 2024 will see an all-time high of 9.4 billion passengers globally Middle East airports to handle 1.1 billion passengers by 2040 Middle East airport capacity expansion requires US$151 billion investments His Highness [...]
Airport Show to host history’s most robust edition as MEASA airport operators hunt for innovative technologies Exceptional passenger facilitation is a key focus Leading B2B platform to have 150+ exhibitors from 20 countries Innovation Hub and GSE Zone among key attractions Airport Security Middle East, ATC Forum and the Global Airport Leaders’ Forum among co-located events 11th edition of Women in Aviation (WIA) Middle East Conference and Awards Dubai to spend US$37.7 billion on expansion of its two airports 2024 will see an all-time high of 9.4 billion passengers globally Middle East airports to handle 1.1 billion passengers by 2040 [...]
More women should become part of the global civil aviation workforce Airlines had women in 42 percent of their workforce Women make up five percent of all pilots globally India has 2764 women pilots, the highest in the world 36 percent of air traffic staff are women in Australia Initiatives needed to eliminate gender bias and for mentorship The aviation industry could benefit from gender diversity Boeing and Etihad Airways officials are among the speakers The number of women in the civil aviation workforce, especially in leadership positions like CEOs, pilots, air traffic controllers, and aircraft engineers, has been on [...]
dans wins Best Entity in Digital Enablement Award Dans awarded for efforts in harnessing technology to enhance safety and efficiency HH Shaikh Mohammad honours excellence award winners Shaikh Ahmed Bin Saeed: dans role and achievements are key to the success of aviation sector and to Dubai Plan The awards underscore Dubai’s firm belief in fostering excellence and innovation” Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans), the provider of air navigation services and air traffic control for Dubai and the Northern Emirates, has won the ‘Best Entity in Digital Enablement Award’ during the Dubai Government Excellence Program (DGEP) Award Ceremony at the Dubai [...]
Middle East airports expanding in a fast-forward mode to handle zooming passenger numbers Dubai to host the world’s largest airport industry show in May Ahmed bin Saeed: “The exhibition is the best to source cutting-edge technologies and innovative products for better operations.” Up to US$2. 7 billion investments for DXB expansion Middle East airports to handle 1.1 billion passengers by 2040 US$151 billion is required for ME airport capacity expansion Global airport construction market to reach US$1.8 trillion by 2030 ME to be the world’s fastest-growing aviation market by 2033 The region has 110 commercial airports and 69 operating carriers [...]
Airport Security global market size to reach US$26 billion by 2030 Airport Show provides the best technologies to facilitate passenger screening processes according to the highest security standards Better use of data and new technologies at passenger checkpoints Risk assessments and screening technologies getting decentralized Airports to handle seven billion passengers globally by 2030 Airport processes moving progressively off-site Technologies helping the entire passenger journey ME prioritizing passenger screening and baggage surveillance AI-driven explosive detection enhancing airport security Airport security is challenging in changing geopolitical environment As the number of airline passengers has exploded to surpass the high pre-pandemic [...]
يوفر التقنيات الحديثة والمبادرات الخلاقة لخدمة 50 مليونا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في الشرق الاوسط دبي تستضيف معرض اكسبو أصحاب الهمم الدولي في دورته السادسة بمشاركة 300 عارض وعلامة تجارية ومركز تأهيلي أحمد بن سعيد: "ملتزمون بتمكين أصحاب الهمم وتعزيز سمعة الإمارات كدولة رائدة في تحسين جودة حياتهم" منظمة الصحة العالمية: "2 مليار نسمة من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في 2050" خبراء دوليون:" أكثر من ملياري شخص بحاجة إلى منتج مساعد واحد على الأقل بحلول 2030، في الوقت الذي يحتاج فيه العديد من كبار السن إلى اثنين أو أكثر" دبي – الإمارات العربية المتحدة - 23 يناير 2024 يشكل أصحاب الهمم [...]
Dubai to host AccessAbilities Expo’s sixth edition It will showcase modern technologies and creative initiatives to serve 50 million People with Special Needs in the Middle East Participation of 300 exhibitors, brands, and rehabilitation centres Ahmed bin Saeed: We are committed to empowering People of Determination and enhancing the UAE’s reputation as a pioneering country in improving their quality of life WHO: Two billion people will have Special Needs in 2050 International experts: More than two billion people will need at least one assistive product by 2030 while many elderly people will require more Dubai, United Arab Emirates, January 23, [...]
The goal is to make DXB one of the most accessible airports in the world by 2025 Passengers of determination, particularly those with hearing and visual difficulties, can look forward to new technologies that will be rolled out at Dubai International Airport (DXB) this year that will make their lives easier when travelling in and out of the country. Speaking at the 4th Accessible Travel and Tourism International Conference in Dubai on Thursday, Eman Al Suwaidi, Head — Government Agenda at Dubai Airports, said they will roll out hearing loops at various passenger touchpoints for people of determination (PoD) with hearing difficulties and another [...]
Dubai hosts International Conference on Accessible Tourism Ahmed bin Saeed: “The UAE is moving forward to become the best tourist destination in the world.” IATA: “The conference provides sustainable solutions for travelers with disabilities Call on stakeholders to work together to remove barriers to smooth mobility and inclusive tourism 50 million people with special needs in the region are eager to visit friendly tourist destinations 142 billion euros in lost opportunities in the global tourism and travel sector annually IATA organizes a workshop to shed light on its efforts to improve air carrier services for passengers with disabilities Dubai, [...]
Accessible tourism to gain momentum as 4th Accessible Travel and Tourism International Conference kick-off in Dubai on 11 January 2024 Conference to debate mobility and inclusiveness for over 1.3 billion People with Disabilities Ahmed bin Saeed: The UAE is moving forward to become the best tourist destination in the world €142 billion annual lost opportunities to the global tourism and travel industry for not being compatible for disabled tourists ME region’s 50 million people with Special Needs eager to visit destinations friendly to them IATA to organize a workshop as part of conference to highlight its efforts to improve [...]
تنطلق فعالياته 11 يناير المقبل في دبي بمشاركة مسؤولين وخبراء من منظمات عالمية (المؤتمر الدولي للسفر والسياحة الميسًرة) يسلط الضوء على احتياجات وحقوق 1.3 مليار نسمة في التنقل والسياحة الدامجة احمد بن سعيد:" الامارات تمضي قدماً لتصبح أفضل وجهة سياحية في العالم " دعوة أصحاب المصلحة للعمل معًا لإزالة العوائق التي تحول دون التنقل السلس والسياحة الدامجة 142 مليار يورو حجم الفرص الضائعة على صناعة السياحة والسفر العالمية سنوياً 50 مليون شخص من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة في المنطقة يتوقون لزيارة الوجهات السياحية الصديقة (الاياتا) تنظم ورشة عمل ضمن فعاليات المؤتمر لتسليط الأضواء على جهودها لتحسين خدمات الناقلات الجوية للمسافرين من [...]
AccessAbilities Expo concludes with clarion call for more inclusivity Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum: “We are committed to empowering people of determination, making them productive members of the community Mohammed Al Shaibani: The UAE has become a global model for positive and sustainable change 250 international companies and centres from 50 countries showcased 4,500 advanced technologies and products Event gets unprecedented overwhelming response; 12,000 visitors from 70 countries Several deals signed for collaboration, joint ventures and product developments Ghassan Suleiman: Success exceeded expectations and we expect a 20% increase in the sixth session in 2024 The 5th edition of [...]
US company showcases all-terrain wheelchair at AccessAbilities Expo The US-based Action Manufacturing showcased its latest wheelchair, Action Trackchair, an all-terrain wheelchair that can go off-roading and also be used in the neighbourhood at the recently concluded AccessAbilities Expo in Dubai. Action Trackchair is intended for people of determination looking for challenging wild adventures. The chair comes with advanced technologies and exclusive patented design. "The Action Trackchair provides superior performance that makes it transcend from a device for off-road transportation to a futuristic device," said Adam Henning, Marketing Director, Action Manufacturing. "Be it when exploring outdoor locations or wandering around the [...]
Dubai government departments adopting AI to provide POD-friendly services RTA, Dubai Municipality, Dubai Airports and Dubai Police among leaders in adopting cutting edger solutions Technology solutions are being implemented across all government facilities, shopping centres, airports for helping People of Determination Public facilities and government departments are fast adopting Artificial Intelligence to provide better services for People of Determination. Experts from various government and private entities participated in a Majlis hosted by the Dubai Youth Council as part of the Knowledge Hub during the recently concluded AccessAbilities Expo said, AI is playing a major role in enhancing the quality of [...]
Dubai, friendly city for People of Determination and the best city in the world for living: Dawoud Al Hajri Providing 10 entrances and walkways on public beaches to facilitate access to the sea A 73-metre-long marine platform at Jumeirah Beach 2, including 3 paths for People of Determination 28 beach parking lots for people of determination’s vehicles, 16 restrooms, 7 wheelchairs at public beaches, and 8 floating chairs for swimming Qualified rescue teams on all Dubai beaches to provide support to people of determination Dubai Municipality has achieved numerous milestones on the path to empowering People of Determination and making [...]
Advanced assistive technology on display at AccessAbilities Expo Starkey showcases AI-powered advanced hearing aid solutions World's first smart cane and wheelchairs on display New wheelchair technology for various disabilities and difficult terrains Advanced assistive technologies, powered by latest innovations in the fields of robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), with an ability to significantly impact the lifestyle of Persons with Disabilities are showcased at the 5th AccessAbilities Expo 2023 being held in Dubai. The exhibition being held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports, Chairman and [...]
Wider participation by local centres, authorities at AccessAbilities Expo Participation by care and rehabilitation centres, hospitals and elderly care centres reflects the humanity of the UAE Science & technology in the service of humanity Prestigious Local and GCC Centres showcase new Initiatives and applications The 5th edition of the AccessAbilities Expo received wider participation by the local government authorities in charge of caring for and rehabilitating People of Determination, dedicated care and rehabilitation centres, hospitals and clinics providing rehabilitation services, and elderly care centres, reflected the humanity of the UAE and its sophistication in dealing with this segment of the [...]
AccessAbilities Expo witness technological boom in its 5th Edition Expo, launchpad for latest assisted tech and rehab products for People of Determination Global companies showcase solutions and products for the first time in the region AccessAbilities Expo witness technological boom in its 5th Edition has emerged as the most important platform for showcasing the latest assistive technologies and rehabilitation products for People of Determination and makes the UAE one of the friendliest countries for People of Determination. In line with the vision of the government to make the UAE friendly to PODs and a leading country in the area of caring [...]
Astra Tech Empowers Inclusion and Financial Equity at AccessAbilities Expo in the UAE People of Determination can now showcase and sell through the Botim Store and reach over 8 million UAE Botim App users Astra Tech, the leading consumer technology holding group in the MENA region, is humbled to announce its sponsorship of the upcoming AccessAbilities Expo in UAE. This partnership aims to introduce an innovative digital solution designed to empower People of Determination to seamlessly showcase and sell their merchandise via the Botim store, extending their reach to over eight million UAE Botim app users. Astra Tech's support reflects [...]
5th AccessAbilities Expo to open in Dubai on October 9th 250 exhibitors, brands and rehabilitation centres from 50 countries participating Exhibitors confirm the UAE is an advanced country caring for People of Determination Largest event of its kind in the Middle east to showcase advanced technologies for the first time Exhibitors offer special discounts, gifts, training courses, and free medical tests The much-anticipated 5th edition of the AccessAbilities Expo will get underway under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports, and Chairman and Chief Executive of [...]
Airport Show’s 23rd edition in Dubai in May 2024 B2B platform to further airport transformation Over 200 exhibitors to come from 20 countries Six country pavilions to offer more participating options Innovation Trail, Sustainable Apron, Start-up Zone and Youth in Aviation to be top features Airport Security Middle East and ATC Forum key attractions Global Airport Leaders’ Forum (GALF) and Women in Aviation Middle East Chapter Conference also to be simultaneously held with the event Global passenger traffic to fully recover by 2024 In 2041, airports to handle almost 200 million tons of air cargo Aircraft movements to grow to [...]
Exhibitors making their way to the Middle East through the AccessAbilities Expo-2023 Focus on Inclusivity and Rehabilitation Smart devices provide independence and availability Explore wearable technology and intelligent robotics The world’s first smart cane for the disabled community Korean company to unveil a wheelchair navigation service Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 21 September 2023 - Exhibitors from all over the world are making their way to the UAE to take part in the 5th edition of the AccessAbilities Expo to be held in Dubai from October 9 to 11, with an impressive array of new technologies and innovations for over 50 [...]
AccessAbilities Expo organizing a Medical Conference to promote healthcare for over 50 million People of Determination in the Middle East Focus on the latest medical treatments, rehabilitation interventions, and clinical research 2.8 million patients suffer from 2,297 rare diseases in Arab countries Government budgets billions of dirhams annually to improve their lives The major achievements made by the UAE on the path to leadership in the fields of medical care and rehabilitation, especially those related to People of Determination is a large part of the agenda of the medical conference being organized as part of the activities of the AccessAbilities [...]
AccessAbilities Expo’s 5th edition in October to see 250 exhibitors and brands from 50 countries AAE 2023 Dubai to showcase the latest Assistive Technology for the first time to serve 50 million People of Determination in the ME region On show will be a 4WD vehicle for people with motor disabilities that enables them to drive while in their wheelchairs A car with unique specifications is being launched for the first time in the UAE to serve people with motor disabilities A device that provides exceptional assistance to the blind using Braille Technologies enable people with cerebral palsy and improve [...]
UAE gets strong praise from global companies for its inclusive agenda 50 million people have Special Needs in the Middle East Two billion people will require assistive devices by 2030 AAE-2023 bringing the newest technologies to its 5th edition US$13 trillion annual spending power of disabled community WHO finds 15 per cent of people only have access to disability devices US$34.18 billion assistive devices to be sold globally by 2030 Assistive Robotics Market to reach US$ 26.16 billion by 2027 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, May 29, 2023 – Bringing the widest and newest range of Assistive Technology products to the [...]
Internal auditors told to embrace sustainability and environmental protection Abdulqader: Hosting of ‘Great Audit Minds’ (GAM) Conference in Abu Dhabi for the first time outside US is a major achievement for governance in UAE AED 600 billion allocated by the UAE under its environmental vision 2050 Citizens invited to turn to internal audit profession; number expected to increase to 44% Banking sector will gain more importance thanks to the development of Sharia-based standards Dubai, UAE, 25 May 2023: Abdulqader Obaid Ali, Chairman of the Board of the UAE Internal Auditors Association, called on the professionals to make environmental issues an [...]
Internal auditors told to assume role of trusted advisors to top management UAE to host GAM Conference first time outside the US 21st Global meet of auditors discusses ESG, Sustainability, fraud and risk reporting 1,500 audit professionals from across the world attend Dubai meet Abdulqader: “Internal auditors must become trusted advisors to top management” UAE IAA join hands with Sharia Professionals Association to train auditors Dubai, May 17, 2023: Internal auditors have been advised to go beyond the current responsibility and be trusted advisors as internal audit has moved beyond the regular audit mainstream and the boards, Audit & Risk [...]
UAE Company Launches First-of-a-Kind Locally-Made Robot to Fight Fires in the Region Mohammed Islam: Wabel provides a qualitative addition to firefighters’ lives and property protection efforts The company intends to export expertise overseas Wireless control helps timely reach fire locations Dubai, UAE, 17th May 2023 - FFBOTS, the Jebel Ali Industrial Area-based Emirati firm, has launched the first locally-made firefighting robot of its kind in the Middle East, with world-class technical specifications and operational capabilities. Called Wabel, which means rain, the robot provides a qualitative addition to firefighting departments and firefighters’ efforts across the UAE and the region as it [...]
Dubai hosts largest meet of audit professionals from around the world from May 16 to 18, 2023 Three-day gathering to discuss ESG, Sustainability, fraud and risk reporting 1,000 audit professionals from across the world to attend Dubai meet Dubai, May 15, 2023: Internal auditors in the Middle East are in for a unique opportunity to gain clinical skills in investigating and reporting emerging risks of fraud when they attend the forthcoming 21st Annual Regional Audit Conference (ARAC) hosted by the UAE Internal Auditors Association (UAE IAA) from May 16 to 18, 2023 at InterContinental Hotel, Dubai Festival City. More [...]
Global Airport Leaders’ Forum urges operators to be future-ready with technology Embrace technologies to seamlessly ensure safety and security of passengers Quicken passenger handling to increase revenue for airport operators RFID technology for efficient baggage handling, improve passenger experience and enhance operational efficiency Dubai, UAE, May 12, 2023: Global Airport Leaders’ Forum , co-located at the 22nd Airport Show, discussed measures to transform security at airports by bringing together leading entities responsible for airport security and plan for the future of aviation security by embracing new technologies. Suggestions have been made to bridge the communication and collaboration gaps between airports, [...]
Airport Show ends on high note on full recovery soon Sheikh Ahmed: Construction of new airports and upgrading of facilities gain pace to meet future demand More than 150 exhibitors from 23 countries, 100-plus buyers; 5,000 attendees from more than 60 countries Showcased the widest-ever range of new technologies and innovative products focused on sustainability Exhibitors and participants receive overwhelming response Dubai, UAE, May 11, 2023: The 22nd edition of the Airport Show, the world’s largest annual airport event hosted by Dubai, closed on high note in the wake of full recovery in the global aviation industry led by the Middle [...]
GALF celebrates 10th edition with 100% aviation recovery prospects Middle East is leading the traffic numbers in terms of recovering globally at 93% of the pre-2019 levels IATA says Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia, will cross 100% recovery Passenger traffic will have full recovery in 2024 and grow 4.2% through 2040 Omar Bin Ghaleb: “Our vision is to create a world class aviation eco system that promotes sustainability Dubai, UAE, May 10, 2023: The Global Airport Leaders’ Forum (GALF) celebrated its milestone 10th edition with a positive news that the Middle East is leading the traffic numbers in terms [...]
Cutting edge technology on display at Airport Show Exhibitors and participants receive overwhelming response Global companies showcase products and services focused on sustainability Dubai, UAE, May 10, 2023: Exhibitors and participants at the 22nd edition of Airport Show expressed extreme satisfaction as they are receiving overwhelming response from other participants and stakeholders which would be translated into future collaboration and strengthening of business relationships. Philippe Martinet, Managing Director of Groupe ADP Airport Services Central Asia, Middle-East & Africa, said: “For Groupe ADP this edition of Airport Show is an opportunity to present in detail our new service offers to the [...]
Women in aviation on the rise 27,000 women employed in UAE aviation sector, represent 42% of workforce Sheikha Mozah Bint Marwan Al Maktoum: Gender gap is still big in aviation field and an effective roadmap is needed Mervat Sultan: Women empowerment is essential for betterment of the society The organization honours women leaders in recognition of their role in promoting the aviation sector Boeing committed to increasing representation of women in leadership in the UAE Dubai, UAE, May 10, 2023: Mervat Sultan, President, Women in Aviation Middle East Chapter, addressing the Women in Aviation 10th Anniversary Conference, said the number [...]
Airport Show opens in Dubai amidst brighter outlook for complete, sustainable recovery HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed opens the world’s largest airport event amidst increased optimism 22nd edition of Airport Show attracts 150 exhibitors from 20 countries Also open Airport Security Middle East, ATC Forum and the Global Airport Leaders’ Forum, Women in Aviation Middle East Anniversary Conference Participants are bullish about growth prospects of the industry Dubai, UAE, May 9, 2023: The 22nd edition of Airport Show was opened in Dubai today amidst brighter outlook for complete and sustainable recovery, growth of passenger demand and focus on future [...]
Airport Show opens in Dubai tomorrow Co-located events: ATC Forum, Airport Security Middle East and the Global Airport Leaders’ Forum More than 150 exhibitors from 20 countries, 100-plus hosted buyers; 4,000 trade visitors from 20+ countries Showcases the widest-ever range of new technologies and innovative products related to aviation Dubai, United Arab Emirates, May 08, 2023: The 22nd edition of Airport Show is opening tomorrow (Tuesday, May 9, 2023) at the Dubai World Trade Centre (DWTC) for a three-day all-encompassing trade show, showcasing the widest-ever range of new technologies, innovations in airport sustainability, digitisation and urban air mobility, marking [...]
Women in Aviation Middle East Chapter to host its 10th anniversary at Airport Show Self-empowerment needs to be driven by women UAE employs more women in aviation in the Arab region Gathering to explore partnerships and best practices UAE requires 22,000 pilots and crew members by 2033 US$136 billion aviation investment by UAE until 2033 Dubai, May 5, 2023 - The 22nd edition of the world’s largest airport industry B2B platform at Dubai World Trade Centre from 9th May will see the 10th anniversary of the Middle East chapter of the Women in Aviation (WIA) taking off in the region where [...]
Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) signs Memorandum of Understanding for two hotels in Makkah Dubai, UAE - May 5, 2023 - Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding for two hotel properties, namely the Coral Makkah Hotel and the Corp Makkah Hotel, situated in the coveted Al Naseem suburb of Makkah. The two hotels, offer a total of 460 keys and have been strategically positioned to cater to the discerning needs of guests visiting the region, expecting the latest in technology and service. This agreement was formalized during the second day of the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) [...]
HMH Plans to expand its portfolio in KSA Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 4 May 2023: During its participation in the Arabian Travel Market-2023, Hospitality Management Holding Group (HMH) signed management agreements to manage 5 new hotels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, targeting its expansion of hotel portfolio in the region. The agreement includes managing 4 hotels – Coral Makkah Hotel, Corp Al Madinah Hotel, Corp Yathrib Hotel, Corp Yanbu Hotel, and Corp Makkah Hotel. The Group's hotel portfolio in the MENA region will be expanded from 13 to 18 hotels, across different categories. Corp Yanbu Hotel is a beautiful [...]
Taqdeer Award and Dubai Health Authority campaign for early detection of preventive diseases The program covers over 900 workers from 100 companies Major-General Obaid bin Suroor: We seek to enhance the health of our workers and make preventive healthcare knowledge a way of life Dr. Ramadan Al Balushi: The campaign contributes towards realizing the vision of a healthier and happier society Dubai - United Arab Emirates - May 3, 2023 - Taqdeer Award, which is held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council, [...]
HMH signs MOU for Corp Al Madinah Hotel Dubai, UAE, 3 May 2023 - Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) has announced a significant addition to its portfolio of managed properties with the signing of an MOU for Corp Al Madinah Hotel. This landmark agreement, unveiled on the second day of the Arabian Travel Market 2023, marks a major milestone in the company's ongoing mission to providing exceptional travel experiences to visitors seeking the world's most exciting destinations. HMH's brand Corp is a regional homegrown brand, specifically positioned to cater to the needs of Business - Leisure travellers in the MENA region. [...]
Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) signs Hotel Management Agreement for Corp Yanbu Hotel at ATM 2023 Dubai, UAE, 2nd May 2023: Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) is pleased to announce that it has signed a Hotel Management Agreement for its latest property, Corp Yanbu Hotel, located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The agreement was signed on the second day of the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) 2023, and we are excited to bring a new level of excellence to the hotels and resorts in Yanbu, with the positive impact it will have on the local economy. The Corp Yanbu Hotel is a [...]
HMH Group to announce 18 new hotels as it prepares to participate in Arabian Travel Market Patrick Antaki: HMH is expanding its portfolio and entering new markets Haytham Abdelaziz : The UAE’s tourism sector set to record strong growth levels HMH Group now operates 13 hotels and resorts in the region with 2032 rooms Dubai, United Arab Emirates, April 29, 2023 - The Hospitality Management Holding (HMH) Group has revealed its preparations to participate in the 30th edition of the Arabian Travel Market, the largest and most influential B2B travel and tourism exhibition in the Middle East, at the Dubai World Trade [...]
Dubai to host the 5th edition of the AccessAbilities Expo in October Participation of 300 exhibitors from 50 countries Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum: We are working to build an inclusive and accessible society to empower the People of Determination Best technologies for ME’s 50 million People of Determination to be showcased Dubai - United Arab Emirates – February 13, 2023 – Dubai will host the fifth edition of the AccessAbilities Expo, under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports, Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates [...]
dans organised the Corporate Innovation Program to foster innovation environment among its employees
dans organised the Corporate Innovation Program to foster innovation environment among its employees Mohammed Ahli: Innovation is our top priority in this digital era; committed to innovation to improve our services to match the global standards Employees encouraged to suggest innovative ideas to win valuable prizes March 08, 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: A new innovation programme has been launched by Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans) that provides air navigation services and air traffic control for four airports of Dubai and the Northern Emirates. This programme is part of a larger dans Corporate Innovation programme. The Air Navigation Service Provider [...]
I Found Myself: The world’s first-of-its-kind programme of inspirational success stories of distinguished workers who overcame hardships and became entrepreneurs Major-General Obaid bin Suroor: The initiative is a practical embodiment of Dubai’s ideal business environment Abdulwahed Juma: The partnership between Dubai Media Incorporated and the Taqdeer Award stems from its belief in supporting national initiatives Abdel Hadi Al Sadi: The UAE’s investment climate paves the way for the success of private projects and businessmen emerging from the labour environment Dubai, UAE – 14 March 2023 His Excellency Major-General Obaid Muhair bin Suroor, Deputy Director-General of the General Directorate of Residency [...]
Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans) and DFS Aviation Services signs contract for ATC systems supply
Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans) and DFS Aviation Services signs contract for ATC systems supply dans deploys advanced technologies to enhance airspace efficiency and capacity Dubai - Geneva, March 20, 2023 – Dubai Air Navigation Services (dans) and Germany’s DFS Aviation Services (DAS) has inked a contract for the supply of Air Traffic Control systems that will enhance the capabilities and quality standards at the city’s airspace. To handle the exponential growth of Dubai and the need for state of the art systems to cope with the high requirements in Air Traffic Management, dans is keen to continuously develop its [...]
Middle East airport developments entails US$151 billion in capital expenditure until 2040 Middle East airports to handle 1.1 billion passengers by 2040 Saudi airports expansion entails US$147 billion investments Sharjah International Airport Expansion to get completed by Q4 2024 Kuwait expanding Passenger Terminal 2 to handle 13 million passengers Doha passenger terminal expansion to raise capacity to 60 million Musandam Airport expected to be completed by Q4 2026 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 27, 2023 - After most of the multi-billion dollar airport construction projects were put on the back burner or temporarily curtailed over the past three years, operators [...]
Middle East airports pushing Sustainability and Innovation agenda Airport Show to enable ‘Sustainable Future for airports’ Sustainable Apron is among three key themes ME airports shifting to renewable energy Dubai leads in developing sustainable aviation Sustainability helps future-proofing the airports Dubai, April 27, 2023 – As the global airport industry, comprising over 40,000 ICAO-coded airports and revenues exceeding US$173 billion, work its ways to become carbon net-zero by 2050 through enhancing infrastructure, technology-based operational efficiencies, robust controls and benchmarked excellence, the Airport Show, from May 9 to 11, will have a sharp focus on sustainability and innovation. Together in Innovating Future Sustainable [...]
GALF’s 10th edition to develop the road map of aviation in the next decade Forum to highlight Airport Sustainability, Passenger Experience, ATM, Airport Security and Ground Handling HH Sheikh Ahmed: “Airports undergoing rapid transformation with a renewed focus on new technology, sustainability and overall experience” Dubai, UAE, April 18, 2023: The Global Airport Leaders’ Forum (GALF) is set to celebrate its milestone 10th edition as a co-located event at the 22nd Airport Show, the world's leading annual B2B platform for the airport industry. From May 9-11, key players from the aviation sector – including airports, airlines, and ANSPs – will [...]
Taqdeer Award signs MoU with Rochester Institute of Technology of Dubai Discounts on education fees for children of distinguished workers Major-General Obaid: This will improve academic competencies Dr. Youssef Al-Assaf: Honing their skills to develop organizations Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 30 June 2022: Taqdeer Award, held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council, and Rochester Institute of Technology of Dubai (RIT Dubai), have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance knowledge and develop the academic competencies of employees in the labour sector in [...]
Taqdeer Award, under the patronage of HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, posts major achievements in its fifth cycle Major-General Obaid bin Suroor: Incentives from the public and private sectors enhance Dubai's reputation as the best city to live and work in 160,000 workers save millions of dirhams annually from the prize-linked discount cards Dubai, United Arab Emirates, November 23, 2022 - Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council, the Taqdeer Award has announced the completion of the evaluation processes for companies and distinguished workers [...]
Total government incentives increased to 65 Six government entities provide 30 additional incentives for Taqdeer Award winning distinguished companies and workers Dubai Health Authority, Dubai Customs, Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority, Dubai Corporation for Ambulance Services, Dubai Civil Defence and Dubai Media Incorporated provide a bouquet of benefits 140,000 workers benefits from Excellence Cards that help them save millions of dirhams through special discounts by over 60 organizations and stores in Dubai Obaid Muhair Bin Suroor: The vision of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid has placed the Award in Dubai Government’s excellence system Dubai, United Arab Emirates, [...]
The Award is organised under the patronage of Hamdan bin Mohammed Taqdeer Award supports the leadership’s aim to make Dubai the world’s best city to live and work in Government of Dubai Media Office – 29 November 2021: Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council of Dubai, the organisers of the Taqdeer Award announced the opening of nominations for the fifth edition of the Award for the year 2022. The Award is expected to witness a significant increase in the number of participating [...]
Technology help airports transform safety, security and efficiency Air transport to account for US$1.5 trillion to global GDP by 2036 Top UAE officials to speak at the much-anticipated platform Dubai Airports to receive 55.1 million passengers in 2022 Dubai, April 19, 2022: The 9th edition of the Global Airport Leaders Forum (GALF), scheduled to take place in Dubai from May 17 to 19 alongside The Airport Show and will focus on the resurging business landscape with both international and domestic traffic volume recovering faster. The Airports Council International (ACI), representing 1950 airports in 185 countries, says Dubai International Airport, the […]
“Living Independently” initiative launched to guide Arab innovators serve millions of People of Determination League of Arab States Secretary-General honours His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum for sponsoring the initiative that empowers People of Determination Joint cooperation agreement signed between the Union of Arab Chambers and AccessAbilities Expo Dubai – United Arab Emirates – March 30, 2022 His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports, Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline and Group and Patron of AccessAbilities Expo, His Excellency Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the […]
Dubai sees a festival of joy for children with Autism and Down Syndrome Purple Vogue Events & Nadd Al Shiba PR organised the programme Dubai Municipality supported the not-for-profit event Dubai, March 28, 2022: A group of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that impairs the ability to communicate and interact, and Down Syndrome, a genetic chromosome disorder causing developmental and intellectual delays, had a whale of a time at a ‘Walk for Awareness’ organised in Al Safa Park in Dubai. The event was organised to mark the UAE’s observing of the International Autism Day and Down Syndrome Day that […]
Agreement will simplify customs procedures, reduce logistics cost, open new opportunities, create jobs Logistics sector accounts for 14% of Dubai’s GDP NAFL, FFFAI sign MoU for training, women and youth empowerment India crosses $400 billion benchmark in exports Dubai, March 24, 2022: The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) signed by the UAE and India will be operational within one month that will simplify customs procedures, reduce logistics cost and open new opportunities for professional services, officials said at the closing of the 3rd Edition of LOGIX India, in Dubai, supported by the UAE’s National Association of Freight and Logistics (NAFL). The […]
NAFL President Nadia Abdul Aziz suggests logistics corridor between India and UAE The target of $100 billion can be achieved much before: Omar Alkhan Abdulla FIEO chief suggests to set up a permanent India mart in the UAE on the same lines of China Mart in Dubai Indian logistics market estimated to grow to $380 billion in 2025: Humaid Bin Salem Dubai, March 22, 2022: The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between the UAE and India paves the way for a new era of joint economic growth and prosperity in the two countries, improves mutual access to markets, enhances economic […]
Expo 2020 Dubai Water Week sees the launch of purifiers that can remove impurities 400 times smaller than the smallest virus, including microplastics. Dubai’s NIA introduces Bluewater purifiers, whose SuperiorOsmosis™ membrane removes impurities down to 0.0001 micron in size. The launch is in line with the UAE’s Sustainable Development Goals. It coincides with ‘Dubai Can’, Sheikh Hamdan’s initiative to cut down on single-use plastic. Bengt Rittri, Founder and CEO of Bluewater: Global studies show that dirty tanks and pipes can result in an invisible toxic cocktail of chemicals and microplastics, which are linked to health issues like cancer and brain […]
Airport Show, in partnership with dnata, to launch e-Apron Focus on air quality and noise pollution 357 airports have ACI Carbon Accreditation SITA says sustainability is “critical” for airports ME aviation market worth US$23.07 billion in 2026 Dubai, March 16, 2022: With the Airports Council International (ACI) predicting global passenger traffic recovering by 2023-end to the 2019 levels, airports, especially in the Middle East region, have started sharply focusing on their sustainability and ‘green’ goals. More vulnerable to climate changes than most regions due to limited water supplies and harsh summers, the Middle East is expected to see its […]
Success due to faster recovery and resilience power guided by our leaders: Abdulqader 800 audit professionals familiarize themselves with the most prominent challenges of the profession Three-day gathering discusses future of AI, digitization and cyber security, digital trends, emerging risks and risk monitoring Ethical hacker Terry Cutler to set up shop in UAE to support local businesses Dubai, United Arab Emirates: March 9, 2022 The 20th Annual Regional Audit Conference (ARAC), the largest smart conference for internal auditors, organized by the UAE Internal Auditors Association (UAE IAA) concluded successfully with overwhelming participation from global experts, the who-is-who of internal audit, […]
105 Emirati youth already graduated from the UAE IAA HASAAD program and targets to graduate 500 in the future Humanoid robot Sophia to conduct interactive session on Artificial Intelligence on Wednesday 800 audit professionals familiarize themselves with the most prominent challenges of the profession Three-day gathering discusses future of AI, digitization and cyber security, digital trends, emerging risks and risk monitoring Dubai, United Arab Emirates, March 8, 2022: The 20th Annual Regional Audit Conference (ARAC), the largest smart conference for internal auditors, organized by the UAE Internal Auditors Association (UAE IAA) called for embracing technology and exhorted young Emiratis to choose […]
Airports working to improve passenger experiences Airport technologies market to grow to US$13 billion by 2022 Sheikh Ahmed: Airports benefits from showcasing advanced technology Capacity is the biggest challenge that airports face Pandemic accelerated investments in technology 64 per cent airports to roll out self-boarding by 2023 Cloud services and cybersecurity top investment priorities Dubai, January 19, 2022: From biometric-based checks, self-boarding and real-time bag-tracking to digitalized air traffic management, airports have kept up competing by continuously adopting cutting-edge technologies for a completely frictionless travelling experience. Having insights into the newest technology helps remain at the cutting edge of the […]
The Dubai Accessible Tourism International Summit, opened in Dubai on January 12, 2022, called for joint international cooperation to make service facilities such as airports, airlines, hotels, various means of transportation and communication, websites, shopping malls and other facilities and services friendly to People of Determination whose number is expected to double to 2 billion by 2050 from the current one billion, according to the statistics of the World Health Organization. The summit, attended by His Highness Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, President of Dubai Airports, Supreme President and CEO of Emirates […]